How can I receive services with Creative Supports, Inc?
- Once you are eligible for Adult in-home services, you have a choice of where your case management services come from. You can choose between Creative Supports Inc. and either Jackson County Developmental Disability (Jackson County) or Community Living Case Management (Josephine county).
- All referrals to the brokerage come through a County Developmental Disability Program (CDDP). Creative Supports Inc. receives referrals through either Jackson County Developmental Disabilities or Community Living Case Management.
- If you are already a customer at a CDDP, you can request that your Service Coordinator transfer your case management services to Creative Supports Inc. You can request this at any time.
- If you are not a currently working with a CDDP and want to apply for DD Services, contact the CDDP in your area. Upon determination of eligibility for DD services, you can request to transfer to Creative Supports Inc. from the CDDP.
- Creative Supports Inc. and the CDDP will coordinate a transfer date if capacity is available.
- After a transfer date is established, Creative Supports Inc. will call you to schedule a Welcome meeting. At this meeting, you will meet your Personal Agent and learn more about Creative Supports Inc. and begin planning for the life you want!