To be eligible for brokerage services, an individual must:
- Be an Oregon Resident.
- Be 18 years or older.
- Have a documented intellectual/developmental disability under Oregon law.
- Obtain eligibility from either the Jackson County or Josephine County Developmental Disability Service Offices.
- Not be enrolled in residential services or if you are enrolled in residential services you will need to switch to In-home services
Helpful Links:
- El Camino Hacia Los Servicios de Discapacidad Intelectual y de Desarrollo (Condado de Jackson)
- El Camino Hacia Los Servicios de Discapacidad Intelectual y de Desarrollo (Condado de Josephine)
- The Path to Intellectual & Developmental Disability Services (Jackson County)
- The Path to Intellectual & Developmental Disability Services (Josephine County)